Sunday, January 31, 2010

Google Docs

As I read the features of this program I thought of how I wish I had this over the weekend. I was in Burlingame over the weekend for the Nor-Cal Coaches Clinic. I was speaking on quick pass. During the clinic I had some issues during one of my presentations as I was attempting to access a remote server from our video editing software that was down. If I had backed up the files on Google Docs, I could have not had to improvise on the fly. It would have been something that would have assisted me tremendously.

The only concern I have would be whether or not people who access the information and copy or use it as their own? How do you protect the documents that you choose to file with them?

1 comment:

  1. You are in total control of who has access to your files. No one can access them until you "share" the document or folder with them.
